First Disaster Response


Image Description

The blankets are available in two materials; woollen and fleece, suitable for different climatic and disaster situations.

Woollen blankets

Composition 30%/ 40%/ 50% wool variation
Finish Wet-raised / Dry-raised
Option Low / medium / high wool content
Sides 100 stitches per meter or ribbon type fold on all four sides
Colours As per requirement

As per requirement

Packing Each blanket packed in polyethylene bag. A bale of 25-30 blankets is wrapped in a PP bag. Pressed and strapped with plastic bands. Each bale is water tight and moisture resistant.

Fleece blanket

Composition > 100% Polyester
Make Knitted or woven, dry-raised both sides
Option Medium thermal / Low thermal / High thermal

100 stitches / meter or ribbon type fold on all four sides
Colours As per requirement
Printing As per requirement
Packing Each blanket packed in polyethylene bag. A bale of 25-30 blankets is wrapped in a PP bag. Pressed and strapped with plastic bands. Each bale is water tight and moisture resistant.

Note :

The above can be provided in different grades and packing as per requirement.